Virtual Museum Case for Israel Independence Day and Yom Yerushalayim
Currently on display in the Temple Sholom of West Essex museum case, curated by Naomi Patz:
Postura ante las terapias de conversión
1 de abril de 2021 Para publicación inmediata Templo Beth Shalom, Congregación Judía Reformista de Puerto Rico, registra su firme apoyo por el Proyecto de Ley 184 del Senado de Puerto Rico para hacer ilegal la práctica de las llamadas “terapias de conversión”. Nuestra posición refleja: 1) el hecho de que nuestra tradición sostiene que […]
Statement on “conversion therapies”
April 1, 2021 For immediate release Temple Beth Shalom, Reform Jewish Congregation of Puerto Rico, registers its firm support of Puerto Rico Senate Bill 184 which would make illegal the practice of so-called “conversion therapies.” Our position reflects: 1) the fact that our tradition holds that each human is made “b’tzelem Elohim”, in the divine […]

Anticipating Springtime in Israel
Tu B’Shevat is our next festival! Our Temple Beth Shalom Tu B’shevat seder will be on Wednesday evening, January 27th (Erev Tu B’Shevat) via Zoom. Watch for the announcement and the link. Read on! Introducing Tu B’Shevat Tu B’Shevat is the festival that welcomes the beginning of springtime in Israel. The rainy season has […]
A Hanukkah P.S.
I just can’t let go of Hanukkah yet. Our TBS daily candle lightings, with shared greetings, smiling faces and wonderful memories described each night, were truly extraordinary. They fulfilled the Hanukkah message: Banish darkness, spread the light. All despite COVID and the technological limitations of Zoom. My unwillingness to let Hanukkah go was reinforced yesterday […]

Support TBS when you shop on Amazon
If you are already an Amazon shopper, you can now support Temple Beth Shalom by selecting us as your charity on Amazon Smile! Just use this link and shop as you normally would. Amazon will then make a donation to TBS. If you always shop through, the donations can really add up!

It’s Almost Time for Hanukkah!
Text and display by Naomi Patz – Hanukkah 5781 Another name for Hanukkah is JAG URIM, the festival of lights. In the darkest season of the year, virtually every religious tradition includes symbols and ceremonies to offset fears and counter the unnerving absence of light. Obviously, this has been a much less significant feature of […]
Cómo COVID-19 empujó a una pequeña congregación judía en Puerto Rico mucho más allá de sus fronteras.
Por Judy Maltz Traducido por Marc Schnitzer de un artículo publicado en la edición inglesa de Haaretz. Publicado a las 13:48 En una típica mañana de Shabat en estos tiempos no tan típicos, el rabino Roberto Graetz abre su servicio semanal de oración por Zoom a las 8 a.m. Son las 8 a.m. Hora del […]

How COVID-19 Pushed a Tiny Jewish Congregation in Puerto Rico Far Beyond Its Borders
What started out as an emergency Zoom Shabbat service in San Juan is now bringing together worshippers across the Americas By Judy Maltz. Originally published on Haaretz. On a typical Shabbat morning in these not-so-typical times, Rabbi Roberto Graetz opens his weekly Zoom prayer service at 8 A.M. That’s 8 A.M. Pacific Time, since Graetz […]