There will be no morning service on Saturday, September 28
Instead, we will have an evening service at 5:00 PM, followed by oneg, with S’lichot prayers to follow.
Instead, we will have an evening service at 5:00 PM, followed by oneg, with S’lichot prayers to follow.
IMPORTANT: We will not have a morning Shabbat service on Saurday, March 23. Instead, we will meet at 5:00 PM for a Shabbat family service, followed by an afternoon/evening Shabbat service around 6:00 PM. Creative Megillah reading will begin around 7:00 PM, followed by our Purim party!
Necesitamos 30 personas pra asegurar el éxito de este evento. Por favor haga clic aquí para registrarse.
We need 30 people to ensure the success of this event! Please click here to register.
San Juan, Puerto Rico ENGLISH VERSION BELOW El pasado 24 y 25 de noviembre de 2023, miembros, amigos y familiares de la comunidad judía reformista de Puerto Rico se unieron en un evento histórico: tres rabinos fueron homenajeados y honrados por su trayectoria y labor. Como todos los viernes en la noche, la congregación se […]
Calendar of events during Hanukkah! Please note, there will be no Shacharit (morning) Shabbat service on December 9. Instead, we will have a Mincha/Arvit (afternoon/evening) service, followed by Havdalah & Hanukah lighting. ¡Calendario de eventos durante januká! Atención: no tendremos servicio de Shajarit (matutino) el 9 de diciembre. En cambio, tendremos servicio de Minjá/Arvit […]