
Sue Klau Memorial Service
We invite you to honor the life of Sue Klau on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 10:00 AM at Temple Beth Shalom. Sue, along with her late husband, Jimmy, was a founding member and lifelong supporter of our congregation. Even after moving to the U.S., they remained deeply connected to Temple Beth Shalom. Sue passed […]
Rabbi's Blog
Past, Present And Future
Past, Present And Future Shabbat Nahamu 5781/2021 Rabbi Norman Patz Temple Beth Shalom I would like to share with you a brief look at our past, our present and our future in terms of Judaic tradition and Jewish persistence. Shabbat Nahamu, the Sabbath of consolation, follows Tisha B’Av, the day which commemorates Jewish national […]
The Same But Different
Shabbat Behalot’kha May 28, 2021 Rabbi Norman Patz This sermon was delivered by Rabbi Patz last Shabbat at his home congregation of Temple Sholom of West Essex. After The Last Cyclist was banned by the Jewish Council of Elders in Terezín, the playwright Karel Svenk wrote another play that he called “The Same but Different.” […]