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Necesitamos 30 personas pra asegurar el éxito de este evento. Por favor haga clic aquí para registrarse.
We need 30 people to ensure the success of this event! Please click here to register.
Sunday, December 29,2019/7th Day of Hanukkah, 5780 Dear Members of Temple Beth Shalom: We are horrified by the stabbings at the home of an Orthodox rabbi in Monsey, New York on Saturday night. The attack comes shortly after a series of assaults on Jews in the Greater New York during the Hanukkah week. I want […]
“Yet though we bolt and bar our house from You, to every door, O Death, You have a key.” We all knew that Jimmy was ailing, but he had come back from every crisis. His resilience and his will to live were formidable, as formidable as Jimmy was himself. Rabbi Jacob Rudin wrote, “To ask […]