Por primera vez en su historia, el Templo Beth Shalom te invita a
Ceremonia de Rabinos Eméritos
Ceremonia de Instalación de Rabino
Únete a nosotros en honrar a los Rabinos Norman Patz y Roberto Graetz como Rabinos Eméritos del Templo Beth Shalom, y para la ceremonia de instalación del Rabino Hernán Rustein.
24 de noviembre de 2023, 8:00 PM – Kabalat Shabat
Ceremonia de Rabinos Eméritos
25 de noviembre de 2023, 10:00 AM
Ceremonia de Instalación de Rabino
Eres parte de este momento histórico, tienes un lugar con nosotros.
You may also call 787-721-6333 to make your reservation over the telephone.
If you are a member of a URJ congregation, you may attend free of charge. Simply contact your synagogue’s office administrator and ask them to send us the URJ reciprocity request form directly.
Únete a nosotros después del servicio matutino de Shabat para dar la bienvenida al rabino Rustein. Conoce más sobre su carrera, estudios e intereses en una experiencia más personal.
Visitantes por favor llamen a la oficina al 787-721-6333 para registrarse.
CHAD GADJO is a remarkable German Expressionist rendering of the beloved seder song, Had Gadya. Now on display at the Temple Sholom of West Essex Musem Case, curated by Rabbi Norman and Naomi Patz.
Photo sessions will be 10 minutes long, maximum 4 people. It will include 4 digital photos for $40.00. Photos will be delivered to you via email. Clothing: Light colors and without much design so that it does not get lost with the navy blue background and decoration.
All games will have an entrance fee of $18 per person.
Almost exactly 5 years after hurricane María struck Puerto Rico, we are once again faced with another climate catastrophe. Hurricane Fiona has caused widespread destruction and flooding, and many communities remain without access to electricity, water, food and/or shelter. Our own facilities were faced with a failure of our emergency backup power system, which will also require repairs to ensure we are able to continue providing a space for the community to charge their devices, store their temperature-sensitive medications, collect water, and meet to provide emotional support to each other. So far, we have no reports of injuries or worse within our congregation, but we have yet to accomplish contact with 100% of our membership, as communications in many areas are still unavailable. We do know that our members have sustained lots of property damage.
Funds raised will go entirely towards our recovery and rebuilding efforts, first meeting the immediate emergency needs of our community for food, water, shelter, emergency power, medications and clothing, before transitioning to more long-term reconstruction and resiliency efforts of our Jewish community.