Welcome to Temple Beth Shalom, Puerto Rico

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Temple Beth Shalom (TBS), the Reform Jewish Congregation of Puerto Rico, was founded in 1967 by a group of families seeking the warmth and intimacy of a small congregation.  Contributing to this ambiance are our off-island members, non-jewish associate visitors, visiting rabbis, and cantors.

We offer a generous range of programs that appeal to the wide range of our members’ demographics and backgrounds. We observe regular Shabbat and Jewish Holiday services, as well as host adult education sessions and film screenings. Life-cycle events such as weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, confirmations, conversions, and baby naming ceremonies also form an integral component of ourcommunity.

Recent Posts

From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Teens Make Their Voices Heard by Voting

Teens Make Their Voices Heard by Voting jemerman

On November 5, Americans across the country will head to the polls to ensure their voices are heard and their votes are counted. The 2024 election will be historic for many reasons, but there is one group for whom this election will be particularly special: first-time voters.

From the Sukkah to the Voting Booth: A Reform Jewish Call to Action

From the Sukkah to the Voting Booth: A Reform Jewish Call to Action jemerman

As we celebrate the joyous holiday of Sukkot and approach election day, we are reminded of the importance of shelter, community, and social justice. The sukkah, a temporary dwelling, symbolizes our vulnerability and dependence on others. It's a powerful metaphor for the interconnectedness of our society and the impact of our actions on our broader community.

Genesis Haikus 5785

Genesis Haikus 5785 jemerman

These Haikus focus on weekly Torah portions.

Resources for Marking the Anniversary of October 7th

Resources for Marking the Anniversary of October 7th jemerman

These materials include readings, interviews, and more that reflect on the year that has passed since the October 7th attacks.